Solving unique challenges with specialist expertise and project-specific advice

Our portfolio showcase the depth of our health and aged care expertise. We pride ourselves on our evidence-based approach to problem-solving and our commitment to tailoring solutions to meet the unique challenges of each project.

Explore our projects to see how we've helped clients navigate complex policy challenges. Each project demonstrates our commitment to creating a better future for 27 million Australians.

Our projects:

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Policy, Strategy & Planning

Expanding the national aged care mandatory quality indicator program

We worked with the Department of Health and Aged Care to develop new staffing quality indicators (QIs) for enrolled nurses, allied health professionals, and lifestyle officers. These will be implemented as part of the National Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator Program.

Policy, Strategy & Planning

Building the evidence base for Australia's next National Oral Health Plan

We have been engaged by the Department of Health and Aged Care to support the development of Australia's next National Oral Health Plan (2025-2034) of Australia's of the

Policy, Strategy & Planning

Developing the Final BreastScreen Australia Review Report and Strategic Plan

We have been engaged by the Department of Health and Aged Care to support the development of the final BreastScreen Australia (BSA) Review Report and a 10-year strategic plan. The strategic plan will guide the transition of evidence and research into the future BSA Program.

Policy, Strategy & Planning

Reducing the burden on hospital emergency departments

We were engaged by the Department of Health and Aged Care to co-design the Wrap Around Primary Care for Frequent Hospital Users Program as part of the Australian Government's Strengthening Medicare reform package.

Policy, Strategy & Planning

Development of the aged care assessment, classification and funding model

As part of its response to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, the Department of Health and Aged Care engaged us to evaluate options for an assessment, funding and classification model to support this new program.

Program Review & Evaluation

Increasing the availability of high-quality comprehensive care in Australian communities

We were engaged to design the Evaluation Framework for the Single Employer Model (SEM) Trial and collect baseline data.

Policy, Strategy & Planning

Review of the Stoma Appliance Scheme

We were engaged to undertake a comprehensive review of the Stoma Appliance Scheme (SAS) that provides stoma appliances and products to approximately 49,000 Australian ostomates.

Digital Health

Safeguarding Genomic Data

We were engaged to provide data governance consulting services for GenoVic, a system built to manage, analyse, and interpret genomic data. The aim was to mitigate the ethical and legal risks associated with sharing data across external systems, including privacy infringements, data misuse, and unauthorised data access.

Financial & Economic Analysis

Shaping the future of the 7th Community Pharmacy Agreement

We were engaged to monitor, cost and evaluate the new and expanded community pharmacy programs funded under the Sixth Community Pharmacy Agreement.

Financial & Economic Analysis

Analysing the cost-effectiveness and future of Australia's Cord Blood Sector

We were engaged by the National Blood Authority to undertake an independent analysis of the Australian cord blood sector, including cost-effectiveness analysis of the therapeutic uses for Cord Blood Units.

Digital Health

Develop assessment standards for mobile health apps

Faced with a surge in mobile health (mHealth) app usage, the Australian Digital Health Agency tasked us with establishing a framework to ensure these apps are safe, effective, and trustworthy.

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Meet some of our clients

We provide expert advice to government, insurers, not for profits, hospitals and aged care providers on a range of complex issues.