Needs Analysis for the Prostate Cancer Specialist Nursing Service

Needs Analysis for the Prostate Cancer Specialist Nursing Service

The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA) needed advice rapidly on the needs for additional Prostate Cancer Specialist Nurses (PCSNs) around Australia to inform advocacy for Government funding. HealthConsult was retained to prepare the advice.

Our work included an analysis of the supply and demand side data by geographic area around Australia. Information on the incidence and prevalence of prostate cancer in Australia was used in conjunction with data on the current placement and relative distribution of full-time equivalent (FTE) PCSH positions to identify gaps where PCSNs are still required. A priority order for the location of any extra PCSN positions that are funded was provided.

The needs analysis demonstrated that 195 full time equivalent (FTE) PCSNs were required to adequately support men with a prostate cancer diagnosis, relative to the currently funded 39 FTE. This information contributed significantly to the PCFA obtaining an additional Government grant.